James Barrie, Investment Advisor

Designations: Bachelor of Arts (Communications), California State University

Languages Spoken: English & Tagalog

About James:

As an Investment Advisor, James services and creates custom portfolio recommendations for our private wealth clients. With a pulse on the latest market news, he works with Stefan and Andrew to identify new business opportunities and strategies for our clients. James' bright spirit and attention to detail brings a positive energy to our office

Ask Me Anything

Q: Best book you've ever read?

A: The Little Prince - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

Q: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?

A: Lighthouse Reef Blue Hole, Belize.

Q: Most used apps?

A: WhatsApp, Facebook, Google Photos & Spotify.

Q: Other than working for our awesome team, what are you most passionate about?

A: My family.

Q: You will never catch me without...?

A: My sense of humour.

Stefan Linden | Senior Investment Advisor


Ross Carroll | Investment Advisor