Erin Wong, Associate, Recruitment

Designations: Bachelor of Arts (International Relations), University of British Columbia

Languages Spoken: English & Korean

About Erin:

Prior to joining the Cash Management Group, Erin comes from a background of HR management in real estate development and environmental consulting. Erin holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of British Columbia, with a major in International Relations and minor in Asian Studies. When not at work, Erin enjoys spending time with her dog & family, cooking and listening to true crime podcasts.

Ask Me Anything

Q: What is your favourite music genre?

A: K Hip-hop, K-Indie

Q: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?

A: Vienna, Austria

Q: What are your most used apps?

A: Spotify & Instagram

Q: You will never catch me without...

A: A photo of my dog.

Q: Best book you've ever read?

A: The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom

Laurence Leeke | Videographer


Julia Formejster | Investment Associate