Full Breakdown of Canada's COVID-19 Economic Response Plan

Canada's Economic Response Plan is a new, complicated, and crucial part of financial planning in 2020. If you're not up-to-date with the scope or details of the plan, we've broken down the aspects of the plan that are most relevant to Canadian businesses and self-employed individuals.


1:01-2:14 Deferred Payments

2:19 Layoffs and Rehiring

2:56-4:57 Canada Wage Subsidy

5:05-5:56 Temporary 10% Wage Subsidy

6:15-7:40 Support for Self-Employed Individuals & CERB

7:43-9:11 Support for Business (Other Programs)

9:20 Access to Credit

9:27-12:04 Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance

12:09 Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA)

14:22 Support for Sectors


Pandemic Driving Businesses to Bankruptcy